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Electronic Checklist

EMB500 Operation
Splash Page EMB500

The first indication that your airplane is capable of displaying the ECL (Electronic Checklist) is on your Garmin 1000 splash page. The version of the ECL and your QRH (Quick Reference Handbook) must match, otherwise this would be a finding during a SAFA Ramp inspection!

The use of company or operator tailored checklists is generally not a problem, but requires documentation in your manuals. The ECL is changeable and can be adjusted: remove items which are not installed such as Spoilers, or split the BEFORE STARTING ENGINES Checklist in two: one for BATTERY START and one for the GPU Powered engine start. The latter case allows completion of a number of system checks prior to the engine start, while checking the same items during the prior to a battery start may drain your battery below the minimum required voltage for engine start.
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Your QRH is mostly used for "ABNORMAL and EMERGENCY Procedures". The Checklist must be consistent with the ECL if you use both.

Your tailored or company checklist is an adoption of the Manufacturer´s Normal Checklists to the "workflow" and the company procedures. The important bit is the approval of the national authority for the use of a tailored checklist. Most authorities require that all checklist items must be addressed on the tailored checklist. One option is to combine several items in one "Company Procedure" such as system tests:
Instead of listing all system tests in your checklist (Annunciators, Fire Warning, SWPS Test) it is one option to use a procedure "System Tests - completed". In that case the training manual should explain that the Procedure contains the above mentioned items, who is responsible for proper execution. That reduces the workload during and before engine start, and covers all items.

In case a SAFA Inspection should find different checklists in your cockpit, a finding would be logged which will increase your SAFA Ranking and will finally lead to more intense supervision with more frequent SAFA Inspections.
This is nowadays affecting commercial and non commercial operators!

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